JBoss Community

A GUI for the Command Line Interface

modified by Stan Silvert in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full document

News: As of JBoss AS 7.1.2, CLI GUI supports Graphing of Real Time Attribues and integration with jconsole.


If you start jboss-cli with the --gui option, it will bring up  a GUI instead of a command line.  Note that --gui also implies the --connect option because the gui doesn't work in a disconnected state.  You should use the --controller option if you need to use a host and port other than localhost:9999.


jboss-as-7.1.0.Final/bin> ./jboss-cli.sh --gui


You will see a screen that looks like this where you can browse the domain model:



To see the operations available for a node, right-click the node.  Context-sensitive help is available throughout the Command Builder:



For operations that have parmeters, you will be prompted.  Help is available for each parameter by hovering over its label (not shown).



The command line will be filled in automatically.  You can hit the "Enter" key or click submit to send your command to the server.



You can also edit the command line manually and submit a command at any time:


If you double-click on a previous command, it will be selected and copied to the command line.  You don't need to copy and paste by hand.


The command is also copied to the system clipboard so you can paste into your favorite editor.  This is handy for creating scripts.


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