JBoss Community

Re: Custom jdbc login module for remoting

created by Daniel Jipa in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion



Can you please provide me with a few more details on how I should use this new feature.

My first instict was to try to deploy the login module in ear and just try remote authentication without any more changes in module.xml but I got the same result as in 7.1.0 version.

Afterwars I've tried modifying the standalone.xml file adding module="myear.mysecurityprovider.jar" in the login-module tag attributes but I still got this message on log:


Class com.mycompany.security.CustomLoginModule not found from Module "org.jboss.as.remoting:main" from local module loader @5328f6ee (roots: /home/daniel/Servers/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/modules)

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