JBoss Community

How to package and deploy partially distributed app?

created by Mikal Henriksen in Clustering Development - View the full discussion

Disclamer: I might be thinking about this entirely wrong, so if this seems like nonsense, that's why :)


I've been working on extracting a bottleneck from a huge spaghetti ball of a project into a separate war, and I've gotten to the point where it works when deploying in the same ear as the rest of the components (two more wars, an ejb-jar, and a shared jar with common classes, remote interfaces etc), and all communication from the new war happens over remote interfaces to the ejb-jar (avoiding hitting the database in the new war).


My idea was to run this in a distributed setup using some form of JBoss (7.1.1 currently) clustering, where the 'master' node runs the big fat ear with everything and the database, and several cheaper nodes run only the newly-extracted war, communicating with the master node as needed (and caching the results obviousy). I'm planning to improve this later to take advantage of Infinispan for caching, and a managed domain for deployment, but for now I'm just trying to get as simple a case as possible to work. How should I configure, package and deploy this?


So far I've been able to run two standalone-full-ha servers, but when deploying the full ear on one and a slim-ear on the other (using the same <application-name> (this is probably stupid)), it is unable to lookup EJBs from the slim-ear to the full-eat. It feels like I'm not seeing something obvious here.


I'm not sure what details to provide, so please ask!


- Mikal

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