
Unexpected behaviour when binding to java:comp and @Startup beans

reply from Marius Bogoevici in EJB 3.0 Development - View the full discussion

Yes, that's what puzzles me.


I'll try to think of a way to reproduce the issue per se - the problem becomes obvious with the Weld JNDI Binding.


Meanwhile, here is a very simple example which does not quite reproduce the issue, but helps explaining what I mean.


while postconstructing the ejb, we're looking for java:comp - now if you're looking at ComponentObjectFactory, you can see that CurrentComponent.get() returns null, so the application is using the legacy branch. A "java:comp" is found during lookup, but for some reason, it does not seem to be the same as the one accessed via JavaEEComponent.getContext().


So, thanks Jaikiran for looking into this, and please let me know what you think.

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