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Cannot create EJB-based web service with JBossWS runtime

created by vincenzo turco in JBoss Web Services Development - View the full discussion

Hi all,

I am fairly new to JBoss but have some experience on Java EE so I apologize if this question is a bit newbie.

I have done some research on the web but to no use. The problem is the following:


I am on JBoss AS 5.1 and trying to create EJB based ws endpoint using JBossWS runtime.

Eclipse is 3.5, JBoss tools is 3.1


JBoss tools plugin prevents me from using an EJB project as service project for WS generation.

Allowed project types are "plain java" or "dynamic web project".



I know that JBossWs comes in three "flavours", I assume I should use the native JBossWS runtime

Can some one please shed some light?


Thanks, regards


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