Hi Ramesh,
Ramesh Reddy wrote:
Where can I find the nightly build for the JBossWS-CXF? I checked the Hudson build but did not see/or did not recognize the right name. Also on the your main page, for 4.0.0 beta builds, you have mentioned, the builds are in "maven2" as usual. I am not where that is. I have checked in the Jboss nexus, I found this
But I am looking for installable binary into AS7. Can you please point me to it?
I'm sorry, the binary distribution is not installed on the maven repository (nexus) for betas. That's something we might want to change in the future, given we've been producing many beta releases recently. You have two options here, basically either you checkout from svn the jbossws-cxf stack tag (http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossws/stack/cxf/tags/jbossws-cxf-4.0.0.Beta5/) and install it on top of AS 7.0.0.Final, or you checkout the latest AS7 master from git (should build into AS 7.1.0.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT) and build it, that aways has the latest betas of jbossws components.
The snapshots for the jbossws components, instead, are not nightly builds, they are need-based snapshot produced by developers. So you might have days with multiple snapshots created and days with no changes.
This said, a 4.0.0.CR release with available binary distribution should come very soon.
Also, CXF Bus instance seems to be always depends on the Spring framework, so why not install it in the module always in AS7? I tried re-arranging and making dependency on "org.jboss.ws.cxf.jbossws-cxf-client" module and also tried adding JbossWS based bus factory service in the class path, but it still fails with Spring framework dependency. By making it available always, one can avoid one more install.
The JBossWS-CXF integration version of the CXF Bus doesn't always depend on Spring. A spring version of the bus is automatically created only when spring is actually available and needed. So info on the bus integration can be found at https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBWS/Apache+CXF+integration
Thanks for the JBWS-3384 jira.