JBoss Community

AS7: Utilising masked passwords via the vault

new comment by Geoffrey Bays View all comments on this document

I need an example of putting two passwords into the vault and then referencing them in standalone.xml. I have referenced the keystore file and password via the vault in the ssl connector line in standalone.xml, and have put the following reference to the trsutstore and password in as system properties. If I hardcode the unmasked truststore password all works, but even when using teo interactive sessions (so that I get a separate handle for the second password, see bug 901125), I cannot put two passwords into the vault and get the truststore reference to work. I get IOException: keystore was tampered with of password is incorrect.


In standalone.xml:



  <property name="javax.net.ssl.trustStore" value="Path /to/truststore/file" />

  <property name="javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword" value="VAULT::truststore_pass::password::YjdkMDU10TMzTdmy........." />




Do I need more lines in the <vault> <vault-option> section to reference the second password? Two vault tags will not parse.


Any suggestions or two password example would be most welcome. I have tried referencing the keystore password with the same vault handle since it is the same--does not work. And I have generated vault dat files using  a reference to the keystore alone or with a separate reference to the truststore. Neither approach works.


Thanks   Geoffrey Bays