JBoss Community

Updates for October 10 - October 17

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Is it possible to monitor Persistance Unit of My application which was deployed in Jboss EAP6 ? new activity by Arun Raj , Thomas Segismont
Exception while configuring ESB 4.10 into JBOSS 5.1.0 new activity by mohammed iqbal shaik , Wolf-Dieter Fink
ClientSessionFactoryImpl sessions set build up to thousands of instances new activity by Andy Taylor , Tai Khuu Tan
More information on compile errors new activity by Jay Guidos
Latest Likes: new activity by Katerina Bofi , devendra sisodia , Firdaus Ramlan , Barsha Bajaj , phu phu , and more.
rich:tooltip for html commandButton in richfaces 4 new activity by Sushant Saini
Module based applications affect each other new activity by michael-s
Intermediate Timer Events in jBPM 5.4.0 new activity by Jay Guidos
wildfly 8.0.0.Beta1 + spring 3.2.4 strange error when try to deploy new activity by lukas lukasz , Tomaz Cerar
Configuring outbound client cert SSL for Secure Web Service Call new activity by carlos camargo

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testing the new list server was viewed 13,220 times and replied to by 3 people

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