JBoss Community

jboss-logging: old version used in several jars inside JBossAS 7.1.2

created by Juergen Zimmermann in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion

Inside JBossAS 7.1.2 these JARs are still using jboss-logging 3.1.0.GA instead of 3.1.1.GA and their pom.xml should be updated:


* jboss-ejb-client 1.0..0.Final

* jboss-remote-naming 1.0.3.Final

* jboss-remoting 3.2.7.GA

* jboss-metadata-common 7.0.3.Final

* jboss-metadata-ear 7.0.3.Final

* jbosgi-repository-core 1.2.0.Final

* jbosgi-vfs 1.1.0.Final

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