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How to access webservice deployed to jboss 5.1.0 GA

created by ptn77 ptn77 in JBoss Web Services Development - View the full discussion

Hello All,


Sorry for this Newbie question, but it's my first time deploying webservices on jboss. I have successfully deployed my webservice to jboss (No webservice deployment errors when I start jboss), but I can't seem to figure out how to access the service from the browser.

I've tried going to localhost:8080/jbossws under registered webservices, but did not see anything there.

I see in the jmx console under the web.deployment the .war file for my webservice is listed there.

I've also tried browsing to the url for my webservice listed in the wsdl, but got a page not found error.


I'm not sure what else I should check.


Any help is appreciated!!


Thanks in Advance!!

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