JBoss Community

RBAC Usecases

modified by Heiko Braun in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full document
Restricting access to server groups

Configuration: Server groups: "production", "staging". roles: "admin", "developer"


Goal: Restrict access to the production group to the "admin" role in to prevent messing with the production system


Implications: Server groups are part of the model but also a logical concept. I.e. restricting access to a group does imply preventing access to conceptually related entities like servers, deployments, etc.

Support clients & tools that provide their own security model

Configuration: See JON User Guide


Goal: Allow interaction with systems that provide their own authorization scheme


Implications: Systems like JON, that provide their own scheme currently can only operate the super user level

Restrict visibility of attributes

Restrict visibiility of operations

Prevent execution of operations













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