JBoss Community

AS7 getting slower

created by Rene Gritsch in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion



we have a real strange behavoir, which can´t be profiled with JProfiler cause it looks like a blocking inside JBoss before passing by any requests to our app.

We are using a .WAR with Seam 2, JSF 1.2 (JSF 2.0 excluded in AS7), Richfaces 3.3.3 and Hibernate and C3P0, so a classic combination.


In the past we were using Tomcat with embedded JBoss as our Application server without any problems. Now we tried to switch to AS7 and we have the

strange the behavoir that with about 30 users and 2sec. think time our webapp is getting really slow and we have minutes of response time but also

after stopping our stress test jboss as7 is still really slow, also returning back static resources like images is quite slow but CPU / memory is fine.

Same .war on Glassfish or Tomcat with embedded Jboss is running without any problems.


Are the any known issues cause of JSF 1.2 downgrade? or any other suggestions?


Thanks alot for any help and if you need further informations just ask.

Thnx René

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