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Eclipse plugin deploys with incorrect filename

created by jasper floor in JBoss Tools Development - View the full discussion

I am using the Jboss AS Tool plugin for eclipse Helios (Version: Helios Service Release 1 Build id: 20100917-0705).


JBossAS Tools    2.2.0.v20101028-0913-H144-Beta2    org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.feature.feature.group


Today there was an error in my deployment. I copied the deploy elsewhere and made a clean deployment. comparing the two it seemed that a library had been deployed as:





it should've been:




So basically it made the directory part of the name of the jar.


I have reports from others that they have seen a jar deployed in a directory with the name of the jar, though I have not confirmed this myself.


I cannot currently give steps to reproduce this nor have I encountered it before but I thought it was worth reporting just in case.

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