JBoss Community

On the topic of missing resources

created by Nicklas Karlsson in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion

The current upstream master currently says upon finding a mismatch in datasource definition/lookup something like


JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:

      service jboss.naming.context.java.jboss.datasources.testDS (missing) depen

dents: [service jboss.persistenceunit."Test.war#primary"]



Although it well, says what happens, is the contextual information available so that the message could be something like


"Sorry to bother you but when I tried to deploy test.war I noticed that it was JPA enabled (I found a persistence.xml in test.war/WEB-INF\classes\META-INF).

Upon futher investigation I noticed that the persistence unit called "primary" was looking for a JNDI bound datasource at "java:jboss/datasources/testDS". This, however,

was not found but I found these instead:


java:jboss/datasources/badtestDS (defined in test-ds-xml in the standalone/deployments folder)

java:jboss/datasources/exampleDS (defined in standalone/configuration/xml in the datasources subsystem)


I might of course guess but I suggest that you match the two JNDI names yourself (perhaps there was a typo or difference in the JNDI prefix)?


Have a nice day!

  Yours truly, AS 7.2.0"

other messages could be


"While I was looking through the datasource definition I noticed that you referenced a driver named "ojdbc6" in the datasource "foo" defined in  standalone/configuration/xml in the datasources subsystem,

however, no driver matching that name was found defined. What I found was a driver named




Perhaps you were referring to that?


Have a nice day!

  Yours truly, AS 7.2.0"



"While I was looking through the datasource definition I noticed that you referenced a driver named "ojdbc6" in the datasource "foo" defined in  standalone/configuration/xml in the datasources subsystem,

however, the driver definition references a module "com.oracle.db.drv" which was not found in the JBoss Modules system. I found the following interesting modules



Perhaps you were referring to that?


Have a nice day!

  Yours truly, AS 7.2.0"

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