JBoss Community

How to Build JBoss Tools with Maven 3

new comment by Nick Boldt View all comments on this document

Fixed a couple typos and added section on setting MVN_OPTS to assign more memory to Maven processes (especially useful when running tests).


BTW, if you run the build in a different UI thread (linux only), you won't see UI tests launching and killing Eclipse windows while you're working on other things.


I use this alias in my ~/.alias file so that I always launch tests on an unattached UI thread. Also run it on a lower priority (nice -n19) so it doesn't lock up my system so much. Requires installation of Xvfb.

alias   mvn3='kill -9 `cat /tmp/.X4-lock`; rm -fr /tmp/.X4-lock; Xvfb :4 -ac 2>&1 1>/dev/null & DISPLAY=:4 nice -n19 /opt/maven3/bin/mvn -fae'