JBoss Community

Get different model for 'add subsystem step' in standalone/domain mode

created by Daniel Straub in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion

I work on an extension, this extensensio has a model like this (simplified) :


[domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=dcs1/server=dcs1/subsystem=config-mgnt:read-resource-description


    "outcome" => "success",

    "result" => {

        "description" => "ConfigManagement Extension",

        "head-comment-allowed" => true,

        "tail-comment-allowed" => true,

        "namespace" => "urn:de.xxxx:1.0",

        "attributes" => {

            "user" => {

                "description" => "user name",

                "type" => STRING,

                "required" => true,

                "nillable" => false,

                "access-type" => "read-only",

                "storage" => "configuration",

                "restart-required" => "no-services"


            "credential" => {

                "description" => "user credential",

                "type" => STRING,

                "required" => true,

                "nillable" => false,

                "access-type" => "read-only",

                "storage" => "configuration",

                "restart-required" => "no-services"






In standalone mode, I can populate the parsed model in an an step handler (AbstractBoottimeAddStepHandler.populateModel)



19:04:01,651 DEBUG [config-management] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 48)  performBoottime {

    "address" => [("subsystem" => "config-mgnt")],

    "user" => "dcs",

    "credential" => "xxxx"



[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=config-mgnt:read-resource


    "outcome" => "success",

    "result" => {

        "address" => [("subsystem" => "config-mgnt")],

        "credential" => "xxxx",

        "user" => "dcs"




in domain  mode the handler received only an model node with operation and address.


Log :

[Server:dcs1] 19:01:24,258 DEBUG [config-management] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 26)  performBoottime {"address" => [("subsystem" => "config-mgnt")]}


[domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=dcs1/server=dcs1/subsystem=config-mgnt:read-resource


    "outcome" => "success",

    "result" => {"address" => [("subsystem" => "config-mgnt")]}


The Subsystem looks like this:



@Overridepublic void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {    final SubsystemRegistration subsystem = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME);    subsystem.registerXMLElementWriter(ConfigManagementSubsystemParser.INSTANCE);        final ManagementResourceRegistration registration = subsystem.registerSubsystemModel(ConfigManagementDescriptionProvider.SubsytemDescription);    registration.registerOperationHandler(ADD, ConfigManagementExtensionAdd.INSTANCE, ConfigManagementDescriptionProvider.SubsystemAddDescription, false);    registration.registerOperationHandler(DESCRIBE, ConfigManagementDescriptionProvider.INSTANCE, ConfigManagementDescriptionProvider.INSTANCE, false, OperationEntry.EntryType.PRIVATE);    registration.registerReadWriteAttribute(PROPAGATION, null, new ConfigParamWriteHandler(), Storage.CONFIGURATION);    registration.registerReadWriteAttribute(CONTROLLER, null, new ConfigParamWriteHandler(), Storage.CONFIGURATION);    registration.registerReadWriteAttribute(USER_CREDENTIAL, null, new ConfigParamWriteHandler(), Storage.CONFIGURATION);    registration.registerReadWriteAttribute(USER_NAME, null, new ConfigParamWriteHandler(), Storage.CONFIGURATION);   ....



If compare this e.g. with other extensions (e.g. Webservices, Transactions etc), I can't find any differences in the way, how the subsystem, description providers etc. are implemented.

I guess, I forget an little important step, but I can't find it ... X-(

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