JBoss Community

Re: Remote txinflow: XID changes

created by Tom Jenkinson in JBoss Transactions Development - View the full discussion

Also, even with a solution to the diamond/pyramid approach (which I guess is achieved because you pack the history into the bqual) for an example such as: 1000 0000 1000 0000, how would I know whether or not this was a sequence of two sevens, and not 712 (comprised of 128 for the binary +1 for the algorithm, +528 for the start of the range).


With our proposed approach you do not need to maintain the history of nodes in the bqual as this can be determined from the top-down recovery scanning of parent/child node names packed in the bqual resulting in a constant space use in the bqual of two ints.


Can we restrict the remoting node names down to values that can be converted uniquely to an int ;)

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