JBoss Community

Re: dev folder keeps appearing in 3.2.0.v20101022-0902-H119-Beta2

created by Max Andersen in JBoss Tools Development - View the full discussion

okey - that is *weird* since if there are no references where is it coming from ;(


did you search .settings folder too ?


Before we push this to a bug report please check the following:


1) Is there an actual /dev folder in your source folders ? (i.e. MyProject/WebContent/WEB-INF/dev) ?

There could be from "old" times - remove it please.


2) Is there an actual /dev folder in your build folders ? (i.e. MyProject/build/dev) ?

there shouldn't be - just checking.


3) Is there an actual /dev folder in your deploy projects ? (i.e. MyAppServer/server/default/deploy/MyProject.war/WEB-INF/dev) ?

If there is - remove it, heck, remove the whole MyProject.war folder/jar to be sure we got all cleaned out.


4) Rebuild


If none of the above works then please try and reduce this to a minimal project and attach it to a new jira since something is weird here then!

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