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metadata and AS7

created by Jean-Frederic Clere in JBoss AS7 Development - View the full discussion

While tried to metadata + XB from the web part (there is a prototype in http://github.com/jfclere/jboss-as/tree/metadata_xb).

The start time is around the tomcat one.


[server] JBoss AS started in 1670ms. - Services [Total: 54, On-demand: 11. Started: 50]

and for tc7 (trunk about a week old):


INFO: Server startup in 1858 ms


It takes ~ 450 ms to parse the web.xml (https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossweb/sandbox/webapps/myapp.xml).

It takes  ~ 50 ms to parse it a second time.


So we could use metadata + XB to parse the web.xml and related file of the web profile, using metadata makes sense because we could reuse a lot of code but sure that XB is the right to use because of the dependencies it needs:


<module-def name="org.jboss.metadata.jboss-metadata">
            <maven-resource group="org.jboss.metadata" artifact="jboss-metadata-common"/>
            <maven-resource group="org.jboss.metadata" artifact="jboss-metadata-war"/>
            <maven-resource group="org.jboss" artifact="jbossxb"/>
            <maven-resource group="org.jboss" artifact="jboss-reflect"/>
            <maven-resource group="org.jboss" artifact="jboss-mdr"/>
            <maven-resource group="org.hibernate.javax.persistence" artifact="hibernate-jpa-2.0-api"/>
            <maven-resource group="apache-xerces" artifact="xercesImpl"/>



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