In 7.1.1 I try use custom module
1. in standalone-full.xml:
<security-domain name="RolesLoginModule">
<login-module code="ru.infosfera.common.auth.server_module.RolesLoginModule" flag="required"/>
2. in my EAR in JAR add class ru.infosfera.common.auth.server_module.RolesLoginModule (implements LoginModule) and in class log all operations (initialize, login, commit, abort, logout).
3. in JAR add META-INF/jboss.xml with
In EAR no files for jboss.
4. In client add parameters fomr InitialContext
params.put("", username);
params.put("", password);
5. After make InitialContext call LoginContext.login() with CallbackHandler, what return username and password (overlapping of #4)
6. Try get remote interface (lookup) and failed:
2:09:04.629:Remoting "config-based-naming-client-endpoint" read-1:ERROR:org.jboss.remoting.remote.connection::JBREM000200: Remote connection failed: Authentication failed: all available authentication mechanisms failed
12:09:04.629:main :TRACE:ru.infosfera.common.ejb.JndiHelper ::not found jndiName: ejb:StartNg.twf-3.S3-SNAPSHOT/Common.auth.ejb-3.S3-SNAPSHOT//AdmContextBL! Failed to create remoting connection
7. In server NO LOG from my RolesLoginModule.
What am I doing wrong?
How to do the right thing?