JBoss Community

Re: Management of IronJacamar

created by Andrig Miller in IronJacamar Development - View the full discussion

Jesper Pedersen wrote:


Did you want to start another thread on the CCM here?


I think it belongs in the EJB3 development forum for now, as they need CCM for lazy enlistment.

Yes, but in AS 5.x/EAP 5.x there is a hard dependency in the jca-jboss-beans.xml, so it cannot be removed from JCA, which is why I asked.  I actually can remove it from the interceptors stack on EJB 3, via the ejb-interceptors-aop.xml, but if you remove it from the jca-jboss-beans.xml the server won't start.  I want to make sure that its not a hard dependency anymore.


The reason I don't think it should be a hard dependency, is that the EE specification requirement that it implements is both an edge case, and an anti-pattern.


Probably 99% of applications can be run without it, and those that cannot, can actually be changed very easily to not need that requirement anymore.  I even outlined how you can change your application to not require the CCM in the performance tuning guide for EAP 5.

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