I am pretty new to JBoss Tools and want to evaluate JSF tools using JBoss-Tools 3.2b with Eclipse 3.6.
Unfortunately I cannot create a new JSF project.It seems JSF tools is not correclty installed or I am missing something basic here.
I followed the instructions in http://www.jboss.org/tools/download/installation/update_3_2.html for installation via zip-file. I noticed, that installing JSF-tools was not a option (just JBoss Tools RichFaces) so I checked the "All JBoss Tools" option, the rest of the installation process went just fine.
After restarting Eclipse I tried to create a new JSF project following http://docs.jboss.org/tools/3.1.0.GA/en/jsf_tools_tutorial/html/jsf_application.html (I guess the steps are the same as in JBT 3.1). Yet in the New-Project - wizard I cannot even find the option "JBoss Tools" and neither "JSF Project".
If I check in "About Eclipse -> Installation Details" I see all the JBoss-Tools I saw during installation among the installed software.
Any hints?