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JBoss AS7 vs AS6

new comment by Brian Stansberry View all comments on this document

Ales Justin wrote:




If jboss-beans.xml works,

When it works. :-)

I unfortunately haven't found the time to do this before 7.0.0.Final.

But it's getting higher on my TODO list. :-)


then basically a bean defined in that could do the deployment of e.g. datasources programmatically, just like the mbeans in JBoss AS 5 did, couldn't it?



I don't see why not.

A bean could definitely do the same ops as CLI client.




It wouldn't be able to invoke ops from its start() method -- it would have to use a separate thread and not block start() waiting for that thread to complete its task.


If a service (i.e. this MC bean) that is installed as part of executing a management op (i.e. deploying an MC deployment) tries to invoke an management op during its start() method, it will deadlock the management layer. So it's forbidden. See https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-876 for what happens when it's attempted.