JBoss Community

Re: Data sources in EAR on AS7?

created by henk de boer in JBoss AS7 Development - View the full discussion

Jason Greene wrote:


You can in fact use the spec described @DataSourceDefinition (data-source in xml) to do this. However this uses JDBC directly, since it directly references JDBC classes, and bypasses the JCA layer. So the disadvantage here is that it is an "unmanaged" data source. Anything in the standalone.xml/domain.xml is "managed" and can be added/removed on the fly, monitored, etc.


Hmmm, does "unmanged" in this context also means connections aren't pooled and perhaps aren't suited for use in XA transactions?


In that case the spec described datasource wouldn't really work for what I need.


I could very well live without management capabilities like adding/removing and monitoring, but it's fairly crucial for us that datasources can be embedded inside the EAR. We have used this capability of JBoss AS for years now and pretty much our entire deployment strategy depends on it.

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