
Profiles in domain.xml

reply from David Lloyd in Management Development - View the full discussion

Alexey Loubyansky wrote:


Ok, I'm new here, so to catch up I'll be asking questions of various degrees of ignorance.


AFAIU, domain.xml can list profiles necessary to start a server instance. I want to better understand the purpose and effects of this.
What kind of profiles are those? E.g. would web or ejb profiles be an example?
The reason it's confusing to me is that domain.xml also lists containers, including e.g. web-container. So, the presense of web-container in domain.xml kind of implies the presense of the web profile. Or am I missing something?

What if the web profile is not on the list but web-container is present?


No, this was my conclusion as well.  In fact I think that the presence of the web container isn't the only thing that should imply that a web container should be set up.  Any web-affecting deployment (WAR, or web services, or even something indirect) should trigger the "profile"'s existence.  Perhaps the web container ought to have sensible defaults in the event that no information is specified but web deployments are present.  Or perhaps in this event, the default web container definition will automatically be written back to domain.xml?


Anyway that's just my opinion.

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