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Format of a Detyped Operation Response

modified by Brian Stansberry in JBoss AS7 Development - View the full document

Note: this document is a draft meant to spark discussion, and its content may undergo significant change


The basic method a user of the AS 7 programmatic managment API would use is very simple:


     ModelNode execute(ModelNode operation) throws CancellationException, IOException;


where the return value is the detyped representation of the response, and operation is the detyped representation of the operating being invoked.


The purpose of this article is to document the structure of the return value.


For the format of the request, see this page.


Simple Responses

Simple responses are provided by the following types of operations:


  • Non-composite operations that target a single server. (See below for more on composite operations).
  • Non-composite operations that target a DomainController or HostController and don't require the responder to apply the operation on multiple servers and aggregate their results (e.g. a simple read of a domain configuration property.)


The response will always include a simple boolean outcome field, with one of three possible values:


  • success -- the operation executed successfully
  • failed -- the operation failed
  • cancelled -- the execution of the operation was cancelled. (This would be an unusual outcome for a simple operation which would generally very rapidly reach a point in its execution where it couldn't be cancelled.)


The other fields in the response will depend on whether the operation was sucessful.


The response for a failed operation:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "failure-description" => "[DOM-1234] Some failure message"


A response for a successful operation will include two fields:


  • result -- the return value, or undefined for void operations or those that return null
  • compensating-op -- a complex structure in the format of an operation request that the caller could use to reverse the affect of the operation. May be undefined if no compensating operation is available.


A non-void result with no compensating op available:


    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "name" => "Brian",
        "age" => 22
    "compensating-op" => undefined


A void result with a compensating op:


    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => undefined,
    "compensating-op" => {
        "op" => "write-core-threads",
        "op-addr" => [
            ("profile" => "production"),
            ("subsystem" => "threads"),
            ("bounded-queue-thread-pool" => "pool1")
        "count" => 5,
        "per-cpu" => 5


The response for a cancelled operation has no other fields:


    "outcome" => "cancelled"

Basic Composite Operation Responses


A composite operation is one that incorporates more than one simple operation in a list and executes them atomically. See the "Composite Operations" section here for more information.


Basic composite responses are provided by the following types of operations:


  • Composite operations that target a single server.
  • Composite operations that target a DomainController or HostController and don't require the responder to apply the operation on multiple servers and aggregate their results (e.g. a list of simple reads of domain configuration properties.)


The high level format of a basic composite operation response is largely the same as that of a simple operation response, although there is an important semantic difference. For a composite operation, the meaning of the outcome flag is controlled by the value of the operation request's rollback-on-runtime-failure field. If that field was false (default is true), the outcome flag will be success if any of the composite operation's steps was successful.


What's distinctive about a composite operation response is the result field. First, even if the operation was not successful, the result field will usually be present. (It won't be present if there was some sort of immediate failure that prevented the responder from even attempting to execute the individual operations.)  Second, the content of the result field will be a list. Each element in the list will record the result of the corresponding element in the steps field of the composite operation request. So each individual operation in the composite operation will have its result recorded.


The individual operation results will have the same basic format as the simple operation results described above. However, there are some differences from the simple operation case when the individual operation's outcome flag is failed.  These relate to the fact in a composite operation, individual operations can be rolled back or not even attempted.


If an individual operation was not even attempted (because the overall operation was cancelled or, more likely, a prior operation failed):


    "outcome" => "cancelled"


An individual operation that failed and was rolled back:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "failure-description" => "[DOM-1234] Some failure message",
    "rolled-back" => true


An individual operation that itself succeeded but was rolled back due to failure of another operation:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "result" => {
        "name" => "Brian",
        "age" => 22
    "rolled-back" => true


An operation where the attempt at rollback was unsuccessful:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "failure-description" => "[DOM-1234] Some failure message",
    "rolled-back" => false,
    "rollback-failure-description" => "[DOM-9876] Some other failure message"



Here's an example of the response for a successful 2 step composite operation:


    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [
            "outcome" => "success",
            "result" => {
                "name" => "Brian",
                "age" => 22
            "compensating-op" => undefined
            "outcome" => "success",
            "result" => undefined,
            "compensating-op" => {
                "op" => "write-core-threads",
                "op-addr" => [
                    ("profile" => "production"),
                    ("subsystem" => "threads"),
                    ("bounded-queue-thread-pool" => "pool1")
                "count" => 5,
                "per-cpu" => 5
    "compensating-op" => {
        "op" => "composite",
        "op-addr" => [],
        "steps" => [{
                "op" => "write-core-threads",
                "op-addr" => [
                    ("profile" => "production"),
                    ("subsystem" => "threads"),
                    ("bounded-queue-thread-pool" => "pool1")
                "count" => 5,
                "per-cpu" => 5


And for a failed 3 step composite operation, where the first step succeeded and the second failed, triggering cancellation of the 3rd and rollback of the others:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "failure-description" => "[DOM-9999] Composite operation failed; see individual operation results for details",
    "result" => [
            "outcome" => "failed",
            "result" => {
                "name" => "Brian",
                "age" => 22
            "rolled-back" => true
            "outcome" => "failed",
            "failure-description" => "[DOM-1234] Some failure message",
            "rolled-back" => true
            "outcome" => "cancelled"


Multi-Server Responses


Multi-server responses are provided by operations that target a DomainController or HostController and require the responder to apply the operation on multiple servers and aggregate their results (e.g. nearly all domain or host configuration updates.)


Multi-server operations are executed in several stages.


First, the operation may need to be applied against the authoritative configuration model maintained by the DomainController (for domain.xml confgurations) or a HostController (for a host.xml configuration). If there is a failure at this stage, the operation is automatically rolled back, with a response like this:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "domain-failure-description" => "[DOM-3333] Failed to apply X to the domain model"

if the operation was addressed to the domain model, or like this:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "host-failure-description" => "[DOM-3334] Failed to apply Y to the host model"


if the operation was addressed to a host model.


If the operation was addressed to the domain model, in the next stage the DomainController will ask each HostController to apply it to its local copy of the domain model. If any HostController fails to do so, the DomainController will tell all HostControllers to revert the change, and it will revert the change locally as well. The response to the client will look like this:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "host-failure-descriptions" => {
        "hostA" => "[DOM-3333] Failed to apply to the domain model",
        "hostB" => "[DOM-3333] Failed to apply to the domain model"


If the preceding stages succeed, the operation will be pushed to all affected servers. If the operation is successful on all servers, the response will look like this (this operation has a void response, hence the result for each server is undefined):


    "outcome" => "success",
    "server-groups" => {
        "groupA" => {
            "serverA-1" => {
                "host" => "host1",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
            "serverA-2" => {
                "host" => "host2",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
        "groupB" => {
            "serverB-1" => {
                "host" => "host1",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
            "serverB-2" => {
                "host" => "host2",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
    "compensating-op" => {
        "op" => "write-core-threads",
        "op-addr" => [
            ("profile" => "production"),
            ("subsystem" => "threads"),
            ("bounded-queue-thread-pool" => "pool1")
        "count" => 5,
        "per-cpu" => 5


The operation need not succeed on all servers in order to get an "outcome" => "success" result. All that is required is that it succeed on at least one server without the rollback policies in the rollout plan triggering a rollback on that server. (TODO: consider something like "outcome" => "partial" for this case, and for partially successful composite operations.) An example response in such a situation would look like this:


    "outcome" => "success",
    "server-groups" => {
        "groupA" => {
            "serverA-1" => {
                "host" => "host1",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
            "serverA-2" => {
                "host" => "host2",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
        "groupB" => {
            "serverB-1" => {
                "host" => "host1",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined,
                    "rolled-back" => true
            "serverB-2" => {
                "host" => "host2",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined,
                    "rolled-back" => true
            "serverB-3" => {
                "host" => "host3",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "failed",
                    "failure-description" => "[DOM-4556] Something didn't work right",
                    "rolled-back" => true
    "compensating-op" => {
        "op" => "write-core-threads",
        "op-addr" => [
            ("profile" => "production"),
            ("subsystem" => "threads"),
            ("bounded-queue-thread-pool" => "pool1")
        "count" => 5,
        "per-cpu" => 5


Finally, if the operation fails or is rolled back on all servers, an example response would look like this:


    "outcome" => "failed",
    "server-groups" => {
        "groupA" => {
            "serverA-1" => {
                "host" => "host1",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
            "serverA-2" => {
                "host" => "host2",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "success",
                    "result" => undefined
        "groupB" => {
            "serverB-1" => {
                "host" => "host1",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "failed",
                    "result" => undefined,
                    "rolled-back" => true
            "serverB-2" => {
                "host" => "host2",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "failed",
                    "result" => undefined,
                    "rolled-back" => true
            "serverB-3" => {
                "host" => "host3",
                "response" => {
                    "outcome" => "failed",
                    "failure-description" => "[DOM-4556] Something didn't work right",
                    "rolled-back" => true


TODO: discuss some nuances related to multi-server composite operations, particularly the fact that different items in the composite may execute on different sets of servers, or only on the DC or the HC.

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