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Metadata processing

reply from Jason Greene in JBoss AS7 Development - View the full discussion

Ales Justin wrote:


Annotation indexing was done by Jason.

Where in Modules is this?

It might be just me having trouble finding it with all this scattered git stuff ...



David is referring to a component I created awhile back:
It's a generic, small low level component that indexes a set of classes (typically a jar) and provides an incomplete index (only from the viewpoint of those classes). It has no dependencies, and bypasses any kind of bytecode framework (javassist, asm, etc) so that it can take certain optimizations (not processing the full class, and skipping classes that don't have annotations). It also produces a space efficient index that is designed to be read quickly. It's intended to be attractive to all java projects, so that their is a strong incentive for users to index their jars, however initially we just care about fast domain performance.
This is only part of the puzzle though, as to have a complete picture the index lookups have to be aggregated to represent the class loader. That aggregation pattern would likely needed to be coordinated by an API that has the "complete" picture of module imports, deployments, etc (likely similar to AS6). The current Managed Bean impl uses it to index directly, however once the deployment repository is complete it can pull from index files that survive restart. The aggregation doesn't exist yet, and may or may not belong in modules.

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