JBoss Community

Unable to getTasksAssigned in JBPM5

created by Andy Yeung in jBPM Development - View the full discussion

Hi,  anybody know if the human task created on JBPM5 always have createdBy and actualOwner assigned? I just created a human task which assigned to a group. However I cannot retrieve the task through getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner. The named query "TasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByGroup" in the orm.xml generate a inner join to OrganizationEntity using the createdBy and actualOwner field, which in my case is null.


My process definition first go through a script  task and then reach the human task which assign to a group.

I have also tried the example process definition but the example just assigned to a single person, so I think the engine directly stored the actualOwner and createdBy.

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