I'm trying to get coverage of JBoss AS 7. Here's my branch:
When I run `mvn clean install -rf testsuite -DallTests -Dcoverage -fae` I get (almost) empty `jacoco.exec` files - just some metadata (size is few bytes).
The JVM arg line used is:
| -javaagent:${jbossas.ts.dir}/target/jacoco-jars/agent/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=${basedir}/target/jacoco.exec,includes=${jboss.home}/modules/**/*,excludes=${basedir}/target/classes/**/*,append=true,output=file |
This line is passed to Arquillian to use to start JBoss AS 7.
The testsuite runs, the argument is passed (it appears in AS7's boot.log), but the resulting `jacoco.exec` file is only few bytes in size. The report of course shows no coverage.
What am I doing wrong?