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created by Stefano Maestri in IronJacamar Development - View the full discussion

Hi all,


I've implemented and provided unit tests for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBJCA-263

I've not yet committed on our svn repo, because I've provided 2 different implementations and I'd like to know which one do you prefer before commiting one of them. Basically The first version, just leave the ${...} untouched if the xml file contain a ${...} variable not having corresponding System property set.  The second one throw an Exception . I strongly prefer the second solution

Anyway sometimes code and unit tests tell much more than word, so here you have the 2 versions:


https://github.com/maeste/IronJacamar (leave untouched)


https://github.com/maeste/IronJacamar/tree/alternativeJBJCA-263 (exception)




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