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Naming for webservice endpoints

reply from Tom Fennelly in JBoss ESB Development - View the full discussion

For SOAPProcessor, how about also supporting the context defined on the "jbossws-endpoint" property (eliminating the need for the "jbossws-context" property) ala:


<property name="jbossws-endpoint" value="myapp:fooservice"/>


Of course, making sure it's backward compatible etc.


For "pure" consistency between SOAPProcessor and SOAPProxy, couldn't they both be coded to also support exactly the same format for internal endpoints i.e.


<property name="jbossws-endpoint" value="foo:HelloWorldWS"/>




<property name="wsdl" value="foo:HelloWorldWS"/>


So in the later... the "internal" scheme is implied by the absence of a scheme.... hmmm actually "foo" would be the scheme.  Actually... something that looks odd with the SOAPProxy.  The wsdl URI is kinda corrupt when defining it ala "internal://foo:HelloWorldWS".  Looks like a URI, but "HelloWorldWS" is where a port number would be expected.  Wouldn't that be an invalid URI syntax?  Maybe ye don't care about that, but I'd have though it would be good to maintain a valid URI (parseable etc).

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