JBoss Community

Check if header element exists in message Response.

created by Carlos O in JBoss ESB Development - View the full discussion

Hi everyone, i'm using this platform for the first time, so maybe my question is very simple because i don't understand how it works, but i'm can't find the right way to solve this problem.


The situation:

I need to check if a header element exist in the reponse message, if it doesn't, i need to add one.

At first i try to solve this problem writing a xsl transformation with smooks, i check the entire message (selector="$document") and copy every element and adding a header if it wasn't present. It worked at first, but when i try to process messages with very large body, i keep geting timeouts because takes too much time to process.

So basically my question is, what is the right way to do this (check if the header element exists and add one if it doesn't)? it seems to be a common situation, but i couldn't find the right answer anywhere.


Thanks in advance.


PS. Sorry for my English ;)

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