JBoss Community

Re: Running AS7 embedded in Arquillian

created by Kabir Khan in JBoss AS7 Development - View the full discussion

I have got AS started up in arquillian using the embedded stuff I've been working on, the test class currently needs these annotations:







                packages={@PackageResource(directory="target/classes", packages={"org.jboss.arquillian.container.jboss.embedded_7"}),

                        @PackageResource(directory="target/test-classes", packages={"org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.jboss.embedded_7"})},

                dependencies= {@Dependency("javax.servlet.api")}),

        tcclModule=@ModuleDef (


                dependencies= {@Dependency("org.jboss.logging"), @Dependency("org.jboss.logmanager")})



public class JBossEmbeddedContainerTestCase



The @ClassFactory annotation is a signal to the Arquillian which now does this


   public Arquillian(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError





         // first time we're being initialized

         if(deployableTest.get() == null)




The default behaviour of getTestClass() is to just return the original class. If @ClassFactory is there, it uses JBossEmbeddedClassFactoryProvider to set up the modules from @ModuleTestSetup, and then loads up the test class loaded from modules returns that. I need this hook, but how it is set up now was just a quick hack, so Aslak if you have any preferences on how to configure this please let me know.


I got around the java.util.logging.Logging issues by setting the tcclModule's classloader as the thread context classloader in JBossEmbeddedClassFactoryProvider.getTestClass() so it gets initialized properly.


I have not deployed anything yet but will look at that tomorrow along with tidying up the module setup, which I think when running in this framework is a bit too verbose at the moment. I am hoping that we can just define the dependencies for the test deployments and then to be able to generate each deployment's manifest.mf from the annotations.



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