JBoss Community

Re: issues porting from websphere to JBoss AS7

created by Praveen Gunda in JBoss Web Development - View the full discussion

Thanks for the response.


The two external files are used to confiure the server.


One thing of greater importance to me is serveServletsByClassnameEnabled="true"

How do I enable this in JBoss AS7 ?


This is a Java Web application that was started 10 years ago and uses the above configuration to serve all the servlets.

This alleviates the need to map servlets in web.xml.

If com.adcd.SnoopServlet needs to be called, the request would be like http://domain/webcontext/servlet/com.adcd.SnoopServlet will be served.


Since we are porting we really do not want to change much. How do we acheive this in JBoss AS7? Is there something that can be configured in web.xml to acheive this?

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