JBoss Community

Problem with generated WSDL containing wsdl:import

created by sscpeter in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion

We created a web application and deployed it on JBOSS 7.1.1 and in our development environment it works great. Now we face a problem in the real world environment. The generated WSDL contains a wsdl:import with the actual address of the server. Something like this:


<wsdl:import location="http://ourserver:8080/ourapplication/OurService?wsdl=OurServicePortType.wsdl" namespace="http://net.ourcompany.ourservice.service">



The problem now is, that for security reasons the port 8080 is closed to access from outside and the wsdl is reached via a proxy pass to an URL without the port number like this:




For the WSDL itself that works just fine, but the import fails because it tries to contact port 8080 directly. So my question now is: Is there a way to tell JBOSS to either use the "outside" URL (http://ourcompany/services/) for the import WSDL as well or to generate a WSDL containing the complete webservice information in one WSDL file without an import?

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