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Format of a Detyped Operation Request

modified by Brian Stansberry in JBoss AS7 Development - View the full document

The basic method a user of the AS 7 programmatic managment API would use it very simple:


     ModelNode execute(ModelNode operation) throws CancellationException, IOException;


where the return value is the detyped representation of the response, and operation is the detyped representation of the operating being invoked.


The purpose of this article is to document the structure of operation.


Simple Operations


A text representation of simple operation would look like this:



    "op" => "setCoreThreads",
    "op-addr" => [
        ("base" => "domain"),
        ("profile" => "production"),
        ("subsystem" => "threads"),
        ("bounded-queue-thread-pool" => "pool1")
    "count" => 0,
    "per-cpu" => 20



Java code to produce that output would be:


ModelNode op = new ModelNode();
ModelNode addr = opB.get("op-addr");
addr.add("base", "domain");
addr.add("profile", "production");
addr.add("subsystem", "threads");
addr.add("bounded-queue-thread-pool", "pool1");


The order in which the items appear in the request is not relevant. The required elements are:


  • op -- String -- The name of the operation being invoked.
  • op-addr -- the address of the managed resource against which the request should be executed.


The other key/value pairs are parameter names and their values. The names and values should match what is specified in the operation's description.


Parameters may have any name, except for op, op-addr and rollout-plan.


Operations with a Rollout Plan


Operations targetted at domain or host level resources can potentially impact multiple servers. Such operations can include a "rollout plan" detailing the sequence in which the operation should be applied to servers as well as policies for detailing whether the operation should be reverted if it fails to execute successfully on some servers.


If the operation includes a rollout plan, the structure is as follows:



    "op" => "setCoreThreads",

    "op-addr" => [

        ("base" => "domain"),

        ("profile" => "production"),

        ("subsystem" => "threads"),

        ("bounded-queue-thread-pool" => "pool1")


    "count" => 0,

    "per-cpu" => 20

    "rollout-plan" => "TODO"



TODO -- flesh out the structure of the rollout plan!


As you can see, the rollout plan is simply another structure at the same level as op, op-addr and the operation parameters.

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