Is there any developer manual on the implementation of javassist. For example a walkthrough of how the replace() method in class javassist.expr.NewExpr works. might be helpful to you.
Also, step through the replace() method code while running the Javassist unit tests. That is what I have been doing to learn more about Javassist internals.
For example, open test source javassist.JvstTest4 in your debugger and set a breakpoint in method testAaload(), run the following command:
mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8787 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE" clean install -Dtest=javassist.JvstTest4
Then instruct your debugger to attach to port 8787.