JBoss Community

Re: AS7-4857 correct JPA dependency injection (stop injecting javassist a… …nd let Hibernate include envers)

created by Tomaz Cerar in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion



if you application needs javaassit then just include it yourself.


as for JPA and javaassit goes, it is bit more complex than just that.


jpa has dependancy to hibernate and hibernate has dependancy to javassist.


jpa --> hibernate --> javassist


and given that your application uses jpa, there is no need to directly include all transient depenencies.


if you application still needs javaassit but you do not explecitly use it anywhere it might be interesting case to looke more into detail.

Can you provide structure of your application (jar tf <name of ear>) and stacktrace you get. that will help find the couse of the issue.




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