I´m trying to integrate a WebService client into my process definition. However I´m in a enterprise environment and we would like to provide a solution easy to use for BPM designers.
My actual arquitecture overview is:
- Server A:
+ Guvnor/Drools (we define the Business Process with the designer)
+ Jbpm engine
+ Human Task Service
- Server B:
+ Enterprise Web Application (Spring/JPA (Hibernate))
Our web application is able to use the remote Human Task Service to claim/start/complete a task and finish a process instance.
However now it is required that an "automatic task" take some input and save some information in Database and make a complex comparison.
For this reason I´m thinking that a new Service Task with a Web Service Client could make this job.
I´m looking for assistance to achieve this and also to create a guide for business solutions with Web Services.
I was checking the great post of Maciej Swiderski: http://mswiderski.blogspot.de/2012/07/service-task-with-web-service.html
And I would like to know if the designer is now prepared to provide WebServices definition without the BMP diagram modification.