Brian Stansberry [] modified the
"Layered Distributions and Module Path Organization"
To view the document, visit:
h1. Overview
This document describes notions for how different software distributions based on the
JBoss AS 7 project can integrate with the base AS and with each other in a controlled
h1. Fundamental Concepts
h2. Distribution
A coherent set of software produced by a "project" or a "product".
JBoss AS 7 is a project. JBoss EAP is such a product. Both play similar technical roles in
the JBoss ecosystem, but there are significant differences in how the two are made
available to end users.
This article uses "distribution" as a replacement for constantly saying
"project/product" everywhere. It's not a great term; if someone has a better
one, please suggest it.
h2. Distribution Base
The "distribution base" is the core set of modules, bundles and miscellaneous
files that is common to all layered distributions. It may itself be usable standalone
project or product.
Currently the software produced by the JBoss AS 7 project and the JBoss EAP product are
the distribution bases relevant to this discussion. In the future a more limited subset of
functionality may become the distribution base, with the full set of functionality
currently provided in community AS and EAP coming as layered distributions or add-ons.
h2. Layered Distribution
A distribution that builds on top of the distribution base, potentially superceding some
of the distribution base's functionality. A layered distribution is allowed to
supercede any aspect of the distribution base's functionality. The less the layered
distribution does this, the easier it will be for the layered distribution to manage
things like patching, but, if necessary, a layered distribution can supercede anything in
the distribution base.
A layered distribution may build on top of another layered distribution, provided it has
worked out the necessary procedures to ensure compatibility.
h2. Identity
An identity is a named set of distribution base + layered distribution(s) that is
certified as a valid combination. The distribution base by itself may or may not be a
valid identity. Currently it is; in the future it may not be.
The software produced by a given layered distribution may be associated with more than one
h3. Patching and Identities
Patches are applicable to an identity. A given patch can apply to more than one identity,
if there are no conflicts between the identities in terms of how they use the items
modified by a patch. The metadata associated with a patch will indicate the identities to
which it is applicable.
Patches are comprised of one or more discrete +patch elements+ each of which is produced
by the distribution base or by one of the layered distributions associated with the
identity. A patch element includes metadata describing the element along with any added or
modified files. The patch element metadata will identify the provider of the patch
component. A given patch element can be used in multiple different patches. For example, a
patch element upgrading the distribution base can be included in several patches produced
by different identities, with each patch also including a patch element upgrading a
layered distribution used in that identity.
For example, let's say an identity named I consists of the distribution base and a
layered distribution named A. Version 1.0 of identity I is based on version 2.0 of the
distribution base and version 1.0 of layered distribution A. The distribution base
produces a patch element that will move it to version 2.1. The producers of the I identity
could then produce a patch that will result in version 1.1 of identity A. This would
include a patch element upgrading layered distribution A to its version 1.1, as well as
the separate element that provides the distribution base upgrade to its 2.1. There are two
main benefits of this sharing approach:
* The modules and bundles provided by the distribution base upgrade are associated with
the original 2.1 patch provided by the distribution base, not just with the enclosing
patch provided by A. This will make possible the sharing of modules/bundles provided by
patches across installations.
* Incorporating one patch within another as a simple discrete unit helps avoid errors
during patch production.
For modules and bundles within a patch, once the patch is applied the association of the
module or bundle with the distribution base or layer that provided it is retained within
the installation. The association is encoded within the filesystem path that points to the
patch version of the module or bundle.
Miscellaneous files within a patch are not associated with the distribution base or any
particular layered distribution once they are installed. For example bin/ is
bin/ no matter what patch component added or modified it.
Each identity produces a patch stream. Because a given patch can apply to more than one
identity, the same patch can appear in multiple patch streams.
The distribution base and layered distributions can produces +patch elements+ but they
cannot themselves produce +patches+ or a patch stream. Since a patch must be associated
with an an identity, only an identity (or a group of cooperating identities) can produce a
If there is an identity that consists of nothing but the distribution base, that identity
can produce a patch. But this is logically not the same thing as saying the distribution
base itself produced the patch, even though the practical effect is similar.
h2. Installation
An installation is a single filesystem location containing the distribution base plus zero
or more layered distributions. It includes the bin/ dir from which processes are launched.
The root of the installation is the path indicated by the $JBOSS_HOME environment variable
referred to in the scripts and indicated by the jboss.home.dir system property used in the
java code.
h3. Installation Identity
Each installation has a *+single identity+*. Because an installation only has a single
identity, there is no confusion as to which layered distribution "owns" a
particular filesystem location in that installation. Further, because the identity of an
installation can be easily determined (see "Establishing Identity" below),
external tools can quickly understand the functionality provided by a given installation,
even if no process is currently running from the installation.
+TODO further spell out the importance of single identity.+
h3. Sharing Files Across Installations+
The files that comprise modules and bundles are potentially sharable across installations.
Making it easy for users to do this should be a key goal.
Miscellaneous files are not sharable across installations. An end user could potentially
share them using symlinks, but doing so is not a supported feature nor is it a recommended
Patches are not sharable across installations. The +modules and bundles that the patch
provides+ are potentially sharable, but the miscellaneous files provided by a patch are
not sharable. The patching history metadata that the patching tool records in the
installation is also not sharable -- the metadata is associated with the given
installation. However, making it easy to share the the modules and bundles provide by a
patch across installations should be a key goal.
h2. Add-On Distribution
An add-on distribution is a set of software that extends the capabilities of a given
"identity". An add-on can only extend capabilities. It is not allowed to
supercede capabilities of the identity it extends. For modules and OSGi bundles, the
module and bundle loading logic provided by the distribution base will enforce this
behavior. For miscellaneous files, it is up to the people providing an add-on to ensure
that the add-on does not overwrite any file provided by the distribution base, any layered
distribution associated with the identity or any other add-ons associated with the
identity. Conversely, once the providers of an identity have accepted an add-on into their
ecosystem, it is their responsibility to ensure that they do not add any files to their
distributions that will conflict with files already provided by the add-on.
In practice, the most likely sources of conflict will be the xml files in the
configuration directories and the .conf files in the bin directory. Conflicts over xml
files are solvable by having add-on providers ship their own xml file variants rather than
attempting to modify the standard ones that ship with the identity.
A given add-on is allowed to extend the capabilities of more than one identity.
An add-on may require the presence of other add-ons.
h3. Patching and Add-ons
Add-on distributions produce their own patch stream. The patches produced by an add-on
indicate the versions of the identity that must be present for the patch to apply. More
than one identity can be listed, since add-ons may be applicable to multiple identities.
The patches produced by an add-on also indicate the existing version of the add-on that
must be present, as well as the version of any other required add-ons.
Add-ons cannot use patches in their own stream to fix problems in the identity on which
they depend. Add-ons depend on the patch stream provided by their dependent identity to
provide such fixes. Modules and bundles provided by an add-on or its patches will have
lower precedence in the module loading order than those that come from the distribution
base or layered distributions, so any fix to such a module/bundle provided by an add-on
patch will have no effect.
h1. Installers
+TODO discussion of RPM+
h2. Distribution Base Installers
The distribution base can be installed via a simple unzip. If the distribution base is
itself an identity, see also "Identity Installers"
h2. Identity Installers
An identity can be installed via:
* An unzip onto an empty filesystem location of a zip file that includes the distribution
base and all layered distributions.
* An unzip onto a filesystem location that already contains a depended upon identity or
the installation base of a zip that only includes the layered distribution(s) to be
* An installer program that does one or the other or both of the above and also provides a
user interface that allows the user to customize the installation.
It is a goal but not an initial requirement to allow installation to be performed via the
patching tool. The benefit of this is the patching tool incorporates a number of
compatibility checks that can help a user avoid invalid combinations.
A further goal is to make the logic contained in the patching tool available to installer
programs via a library.
*+Once an identity is installed into a given filesystem location, the identity of that
installation is irrevocably changed.+* When an identity is installed it has the right to
modify any miscellaneous files in the installation filesystem, so once an identity is
installed, the identity of the installation is changed. In many (hopefully nearly all)
cases it may be possible for a user to remove files added by an identity install and get
the installation back to its previous identity, but doing this is not a supported feature
of the software and is not a recommended practice.
*+However, once support for installing patches via the patching tool is available,
reverting an identity installation will be possible.+* The patching tool maintains backup
copies of any miscellaneous files modified by a patch, making it possible to restore those
h2. Add-on Installer
An add-on can be installed via:
* An unzip onto an empty filesystem location of a zip file that includes the distribution
base and all layered distributions along with the add-on itself.
* An unzip onto a filesystem location that contains the depended upon identity of a zip
that only includes the add-on.
* An installer program that does one or the other or both of the above and also provides a
user interface that allows the user to customize the installation.
It is a goal but not an initial requirement to allow installation to be performed via the
patching tool. The benefit of this is the patching tool incorporates a number of
compatibility checks that can help a user avoid invalid combinations.
A further goal is to make the logic contained in the patching tool available to installer
programs via a library.
*+Once an add-on is installed into a given filesystem location, the identity of that
installation is not changed, and it must be possible to reverse the installation.+* An
add-on is merely additive, so removing it is a matter of deleting what was added. This
could be done via a script provided by the add-on, via an installer program, or manually
by a user following a set of instructions.
h1. Establishing Identity
It +must+ be possible for external tools to determine the identity of a given installation
without requiring the software based on that installation to be running. It's also
necessary for the software based on an installation to determine its own identity.
The identity of an installation is provided via the bin/product.conf file located in the
distribution. The product.conf file is a simple properties file that contains the
following property:
slot=<simple string name for identity>
For example:
The value of "slot" is used by the running software to identify the
"slot" portion of the identifier of a jboss-modules module. The software uses
the slot to load a module named<value of slot property>, e.g. The software will then read manifest properties included in the
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file located in that module to find out other identifying information
for the identity. Currently supported manfiest properties include:
* JBoss-Product-Release-Name -- Provides the name of the identity for use in the
management API and in places like the startup and shutdown log messages.
* JBoss-Product-Release-Version -- Provides the version of the identity for use in the
management API and in places like the startup and shutdown log messages.
* JBoss-Product-Console-Slot -- Used to drive what variant of the management console
should be loaded. The notion here is there are different streams of consoles being
produced, one for community AS releases and one for product releases, differentiated
primarily by cosmetic differences. This property drives which of the two streams of
console releases should be used when the console module is loaded. +The use of
"Slot" in this property name is a bit unfortunate since it implies an
implementation detail that may very well change. The name of the property may change in a
future minor release of the AS or EAP and will very likely change in the next major
release. The values we used for this attribute in AS 7 and EAP 6.0 and 6.1 are
"main" to indicate the community console stream and "eap" to indicate
the product console stream. These values are also unfortunate in that "main"
implies an implementation detail and "eap" implies the console is not
appropriate for other products based on EAP. Better values would be "community"
and "product" or something like that. These values may also change in a future
minor release of the AS or EAP and will very likely change in the next major release.+
If no bin/product.conf file exists, the installation is assumed to be the community
version of the distribution base.
If the product.conf file contains other properties besides slot, the software will use
those properties to set system properties in the runtime. However, the properties in the
file will not take precedence over other mechanisms for setting system properties (i.e.
the command line, the standard scripts or the xml configuration files.) Note also that the
reading of product.conf occurs after primordial boot, so this mechanism should not be used
for setting properties needed immediately on launch. The values are unknown to the JVM
launcher, will be unknown to jboss-modules when it sets up the modular classloading
environment, and will be unknown to the logging system until any logging subsystem in the
xml configuration file is processed.
The software based on the installation will also need to know the name of any layered
distributions used by the identity, in order of the precedence to be used when loading
their modules and/or bundles. This information will be done via a modules/layers.conf file
located in the distribution. This file will be a simple properties file that includes a
single property:
layers=<comma delimited list of layered distribution names with earlier names taking
For example, assuming we have layered distribution named "soa" and
"brms" with "brms" taking precedence over "soa":
There is no need to include "base" in the list of layers; if not present
"base" will be appended to the list of layers as the lowest precedence layer. It
is legal to include "base" in the list, though.
If the modules/layers.conf file does not exist or no layered distributions are named in
it, only the base and any add-ons will be used.
h1. Module Loading
JBoss AS currently loads modules based on a "module path" which is a list of
filesystem locations which JBoss Modules searches for modules. In our standard launch
scripts, users are able to manipulate this module path by setting the $JBOSS_MODULEPATH
environment variable. If not set, $JBOSS_MODULEPATH is set to $JBOSS_HOME/modules. The
module path is provided to the running process via the -mp command line argument that is
set in our standard scripts.
This mechanism creates a single default location under which modules can be located. This
is problematic when layered distributions and add-ons wish to install their own modules,
since there are no clear rules as to how those modules should be installed or how they
relate to one another.
h2. Goals
* To make it easy for layered distributions or add-ons to add their modules to the set of
available modules or remove their modules from the set of available modules, without fear
of physically overwriting modules provided by others.
* To establish clear rights and responsibilities for providers of the distribution base,
layered distributions and add-ons with respect to how their modules should be managed.
* To establish clear rules for how distributions that add modules that must take
precedence over other modules provided by other distributions with the same name and slot
should:* locate those modules
* indicate at launch time to the modular classloading system the precedence order
* To make it easy for end users to alter the module path for their own purposes by setting
$JBOSS_MODULEPATH without needing to concern themselves with details of how the modules
provided by the distribtuion base, layered distributions, or add-ons relate to one
another. Reserve the use of $JBOSS_MODULEPATH and the value of the -mp command line
argument passed to jboss-modules for end use uses.
h2. Rights and Responsibilities of Module Providers
All modules provided as part of the distribution base can be depended upon by any add-on
associated with an identity.
If the distribution base by itself is an identity (i.e. with no additional layered
distribution required), the providers of the distribution base accept the following with
respect to that identity:
* The version of the module the distribution base provides will take precedence over a
module with the same name and slot provided by any add-on.
* As a consequence of this, any modification of that module in a patch will need to be
tested for compatibility with add-ons based on the version of the identity being patched.
* As a subset of the previous point, within a major version family the distribution base
cannot remove a module that is depended upon by an add-on, even if the distribution base
itself no longer needs that module.
If the distribution base is part of an identity along with one or more layered
distributions, the providers of the distribution base accept the following with respect to
that identity:
* The distribution base has the same responsibilities with respect to add-ons that it has
in the case of add-ons without any layered distribution.
* However, if a layered distribution in an identity provides a module with the same name
and slot as the one provided by the distribution base, the distribution base no longer has
responsibility to provide the module. The layered distribution's version of the module
takes precedence.
* The distribution base can modify a module that is depended upon by a layered
distribution in a way that breaks functionality of the layered distribution. Providers of
identities that include layered distributions are responsible for testing patch elements
produced by the distribution base before making them available for use with the identity.
If the distribution base patch element in some way breaks the functionality of an
identity, either the patch element should not be provided for the identity, or the patch
that incorporates the distribution base patch element should also include a layered
distribution patch element that fixes the problem.* However, the distribution base should
take great care not to break layered distributions with which it is associated when it
produces patch elements. Distribution base patch element production should involve
reasonable testing of all relevant identities such that problems can be found and resolved
before the distribution base patch element ships.
* The distribution base can remove a module that is not depended upon by any add-on but
which is depended upon by a layered distribution. Providers of identities that include
layered distributions are responsible for testing patch elements produced by the
distribution base before making them available for use with the identity. If the
distribution base removes a module depended upon by a layered distribution, the patch that
incorporates the distribution base patch element should also include a layered
distribution patch element that adds the module as part of the layered distribution.
* If an identity add-on depends on a module provided by the distribution base and the
distribution base wishes to remove the module, that is allowed provided some layered
distribution is willing to begin providing the same module in an overall patch.
All modules provided as part of a layered distribution can be depended upon by any add-on
associated with an identity. They cannot be depended upon by the distribution base. When a
layered distribution includes a module it accepts the following:
* The version of the module it provides will take precedence over a module with the same
name and slot provided by the distribution base or by any add-on.
* As a consequence of this, any modification of that module in a patch element will need
to be tested for compatibility with add-ons based on that version of the identity. Any
functionality provided by the distribution base and supported by the identity will also
have to be tested.
* As a subset of the previous point, within a major version family the layered
distribution cannot remove a module that is depended upon by an add-on, even if the
layered distribution itself no longer needs that module.
* A layered distribution can remove a module that is not depended upon by any add-on.
If a layered distribution participates in an identity with another layered distribution
that depends on it, the depended-on layer accepts the following:
* If the dependent layered distribution provides a module with the same name and slot as
the one provided by the depended-on layer, the depended-on layer no longer has
responsibility to provide the module to the dependent or to any add-ons. The dependent
layered distribution's version of the module takes precedence.
* The depended-on layer can modify a module that is depended upon by another layer in a
way that breaks functionality of the dependent. Providers of identities that include
layered distributions are responsible for testing patch elements produced by the component
layers before making them available for use with the identity. If the depended-on
layer's patch element in some way breaks the functionality of an identity, either the
patch should not be provided for the identity, or the patch element that incorporates the
depended-on layer's patch component should also include a patch element to a dependent
layer that fixes the problem.* However, a depended-on layer should take great care not to
break dependent layers when it produces patch elements. Layered distribution patch
production should involve reasonable testing of all relevant identities such that problems
can be found and resolved before the depended-on layer's patch ships.
* A depended-on layer can remove a module that is not depended upon by any add-on but
which is depended upon by another layer. Providers of identities that include layered
distributions are responsible for testing patch elements produced by a depended-upon
layered distribution before making them available for use with the identity. If the
depended-upon layer removes a module that is depended upon by another layer, the patch
that incorporates the depended-upon layer's patch element should also include a patch
element from the dependent layer distribution that adds the module as part of that layered
* If an add-on depends on a module provided by the layered distribution and the layered
distribution wishes to remove the module, that is allowed provided some other layered
distribution in the identity is willing to begin providing the same module in an overall
When an add-on includes a module, it accepts the following with respect to any identity
with which the add-on is associated:
* The distribution base or a layered distribution may ship a module with the same name and
slot, and that module +*will*+ take precedence over the module provided by the add-on.
* Another add-on may ship a module with the same name and slot, and that module +*may*+
take precedence over the module provided by this layered distribution or add-on.
* Another add-on may ship a module with the same name and slot, and the version provided
by this layered distribution or add-on +*may*+ take precedence over the module provided by
the other add-on.
* As a consequence of this, any modification of the depended-upon module in a patch
element will need to be tested for compatibility with any add-on based on the same major
version of the identity.* The providers of the add-on are responsible for providing an
adequate set of tests to the providers of the identity.
* The distribution base or a layered distribution cannot depend upon a module provided by
an add-on.
* As a consequence of the previous point, an add-on can remove a module in a patch,
without fear of breaking the core functionality of an identity.
* An add-on can depend up a shareable module provided by another add-on upon which it
depends, but +only with the express consent of the providers of that add-on+. Such
dependencies are strongly discouraged.
* If an add-on allows another add-on to depend upon its modules, it takes on the following
responsibilities:* Any modification of that module in a patch or version upgrade will need
to be tested for compatibility with any dependent add-ons. Testing procedures must be
created to ensure that any patches produced by the depended-upon add-on do not break the
dependent add-on.
* As a subset of the previous point, within a major version family the add-on cannot
remove a module that is depended upon by another add-on, even if the add-on itself no
longer needs that module.
h2. Module Organization on the Filesystem
This section will describe how the above points are reflected in the actual organization
of modules on the filesystem.
h4. Requirement for Standardized Module Loading
JBoss Modules can support other mechanisms for finding module content and loading it
besides the filesystem-based module path mechanism. Theoretically a custom boot module
loader implementation could be specified at process launch, with that module loader using
some other means for locating module content. This article proposes that this capability
be declared as unsupported for JBoss AS and products based upon it. Rather, the AS will
have a specified boot module loader implementation.
Users of the AS community project are free to use a non-standard boot module loader
implementation, but if they do so and certain features provided by the AS don't work,
that is their problem.
h3. Filesystem Layout
Modules would be organized on the filesystem as follows:
+ system
++ add-ons
+++ abc
+++ def
++ layers
+++ base
+++ vuw
+++ xyz
The system level exists to separate modules associated with the distribution base, layered
distribution or add-ons from those the end user may store in the modules directory.
+(Note: in earlier versions of this document, "internal" was used instead of
"system" with a request for suggestions of something better.)+
h3. Translation of Filesystem Layout into Module Loading Precedence
For any location provided by the user via the -mp switch, the module loader will look for
the system structure. The module loader will understand the structure above and will apply
module loading precedence rules as follows.
Assume the above structure exists under $JBOSS_HOME and that the user sets
In addition, the bin/product.conf file declares that the identity of the install is xyz,
the xyz layered distribution should be loaded and the xyz layered distribution depends on
the vuw layered distribution.
Assume also that patches named base-1, abc-1, def-1, vuw-1, xyz-1 and xyz-2 have been
The module loader would look for modules on the filesystem in following locations,
starting with first and terminating as soon as the module is found:
/modules (in case the user placed modules directly in under this directory)
The precedence order between /modules/system/add-ons/abc and /modules/system/add-ons/def
is arbitrary. An add-on should never assume its modules will take precedence over those of
any other add-on's modules.
The fact that the various patches locations are included in the path is entirely due to
+metadata+ that the patching tool will store in the $JBOSS_HOME/patches directory. The
mere presence of a directory like /modules/system/layers/xyz/patches/xyz-2 is insufficient
to trigger inclusion of that directory in the module search path. However, when the
patching tool installs the patch, the actual location of the +module contents+ will be in
/modules/system/layers/xyz/patches/xyz-2 -- only patching related metadata will be stored
in $JBOSS_HOME/patches. This behavior is important for allowing sharing of modules across
h2. Sharing Modules Across Installations
The above behavior makes it relatively straightforward for a user to share modules across
installations. For example, the user could set up a shared module repo in /user/me with
the following structure
+ add-ons
++ abc
++ def
+ layers
++ base
++ vuw
++ xyz
The $JBOSS_HOME/modules/system location in each installation on the filesystem could then
be replaced with a symlink to /user/me/jboss-module-repo.
The downside to this very simple sharing is the abc and def add-ons will be visible and
used by all installations, whether or not they are relevant to the installation's
identity. A solution to this problem would be to do more symlinks:
$JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers -> /user/me/jboss-module-repo/layers
$JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/add-ons/abc -> /user/me/jboss-module-repo/add-ons/abc
$JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/add-ons/def -> /user/me/jboss-module-repo/add-ons/def
As an improvement at some point we could define some sort of file format (say xml) and
allow a file with that format to be placed in $JBOSS_HOME/modules/system in lieu of the
subdirectories. The file would include all of the mapping information for the external
repo. The boot module loader, patching tool and any programmatic installers would know how
to read and update that file. The file would only include information for the add-ons
relevant to the installation.
h3. Implications for the Patching Tool
The possibility of module sharing doesn't remove the requirement to apply a patch to
each installation on a given filesystem. Applying the patch to each installation is
required in order to:
* update any miscellaneous files
* record the patching metadata for the particular installation
* allow the patching tool to understand what combinations of layered distributions and
add-ons are relevant to the given installation
However, the patching tool should recognize the possibility of this kind of module
sharing. When it applies a patch it should recognize that the modules may already exist on
the filesystem and should not apply them again if not necessary. It should however record
some information in, e.g. /modules/system/layers/xyz/patches/xyz-2 indicating that the
installation being patched is using that set of patch modules. This information will
prevent deletion of patch modules used by multiple installations if one of the
installations uses the patching feature's cleanup functions.
h1. OSGi Bundle Loading
OSGi bundle loading will follow the same rules as for module loading. The file used to
specify what layers should be used will be a layers.conf file found in each directory in
the bundle path (i.e. $JBOSS_HOME/bundles/layers.conf.) +The bundle loading mechanism will
not use+ +$JBOSS_HOME/modules/layers.conf for identifying layers. Identities that wish to
include bundles in layers other than the base will need to provide a
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