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Ant Error Message: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-portal.xml:224: The following error occurred while executing this line: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-common-targets.xml:11: Build Successful - Tests completed with errors or failures.
Date of build: 06/18/2007 20:54:17
Time to build: 96 minutes 36 seconds
Last changed: 06/18/2007 20:47:17
Last log entry: - Endpoint info is now refreshed if needed before calling methods that don't refresh the whole ProducerInfo.- Simplified check protecting modifyRegistration.

 Unit Tests: (1766)  Total Errors and Failures: (12)

 Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 15) Endpoint info is now refreshed if needed before calling methods that don't refresh the whole ProducerInfo.- Simplified check protecting modifyRegistration. Services are refreshed after the ServiceFactory is created. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. Modified RegistrationProperty handling of values to be able to better detect the validity status of the property and related test case.- Modified Hibernate mapping for RegistrationProperty (invalid property is now a java.lang.Boolean instead of boolean).- Started testing registration behavior on ProducerInfo.- Added more test cases in particular to check that some methods properly result in the expected state. the jsf-facelets and jsf-portlet patched files the jsf-facelets and jsf-portlet patched files fixed partial update bug that was not sending back the correct markup to the client