Ant Error Message: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-portal.xml:224: The following error occurred while executing this line: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-common-targets.xml:11: Build Successful - Tests completed with errors or failures. |
Date of build: 06/20/2007 20:00:22 |
Time to build: 98 minutes 38 seconds |
Last changed: 06/20/2007 19:40:58 |
Last log entry: - JBPORTAL-1492: Check that the consumer is registered before trying to deregister. |
Unit Tests: (1772) Total Errors and Failures: (12) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Modifications since last build: (first 50 of 19) | ||||
7495 | modified | chris.laprun@jboss.com | //trunk/wsrp/src/main/org/jboss/portal/wsrp/consumer/ConsumerRegistryService.java | - JBPORTAL-1492: Check that the consumer is registered before trying to deregister. |
7493 | modified | chris.laprun@jboss.com | //trunk/wsrp/src/resources/portal-wsrp-war/WEB-INF/jsf/consumers/editConsumer.xhtml | - JBPORTAL-1495: Save was checking if the configuration was modified. Disabled the check for now. |
7492 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core/src/resources/portal-core-war/WEB-INF/jsp/content/portlet_editor.jsp | minor import opt |
7491 | added | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core/src/resources/portal-core-war/WEB-INF/jsp/content/portlet_editor.jsp | implementation of new portlet instance selector that requires one click. still a bit ugly but more usable |
7491 | added | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core/src/resources/portal-core-war/WEB-INF/jsp/content | implementation of new portlet instance selector that requires one click. still a bit ugly but more usable |
7491 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core/src/main/org/jboss/portal/core/ui/content/portlet/PortletContentEditorPortlet.java | implementation of new portlet instance selector that requires one click. still a bit ugly but more usable |
7489 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core/src/main/org/jboss/portal/core/ui/portlet/user/UserPortlet.java | allow user to nillate his theme property to revert to portal theme |
7487 | modified | bdaw | //trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/identity/IdentityTest.java | make UserProfileModule remove property when provided value is null + tests |
7487 | modified | bdaw | //trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/identity/db/HibernateUserProfileModuleImpl.java | make UserProfileModule remove property when provided value is null + tests |
7487 | modified | bdaw | //trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/identity/db/DBIdentityTestCase.java | make UserProfileModule remove property when provided value is null + tests |
7487 | modified | bdaw | //trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/identity/UserProfileModule.java | make UserProfileModule remove property when provided value is null + tests |
7487 | modified | bdaw | //trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/identity/ldap/LDAPIdentityTestCase.java | make UserProfileModule remove property when provided value is null + tests |
7486 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core-admin/src/resources/portal-admin-war/WEB-INF/jsf/portlets.xhtml | when portlet provider is changed, reset the pagination index to 0 / increased the pagination size to 20 / externalized the pagination size in faces-config.xml / do not display paginator when count < pagination size |
7486 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core-admin/src/main/org/jboss/portal/core/admin/ui/InstanceManagerBean.java | when portlet provider is changed, reset the pagination index to 0 / increased the pagination size to 20 / externalized the pagination size in faces-config.xml / do not display paginator when count < pagination size |
7486 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core-admin/src/resources/portal-admin-war/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml | when portlet provider is changed, reset the pagination index to 0 / increased the pagination size to 20 / externalized the pagination size in faces-config.xml / do not display paginator when count < pagination size |
7486 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core-admin/src/main/org/jboss/portal/core/admin/ui/PortletManagerBean.java | when portlet provider is changed, reset the pagination index to 0 / increased the pagination size to 20 / externalized the pagination size in faces-config.xml / do not display paginator when count < pagination size |
7486 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core-admin/src/resources/portal-admin-war/WEB-INF/jsf/instances.xhtml | when portlet provider is changed, reset the pagination index to 0 / increased the pagination size to 20 / externalized the pagination size in faces-config.xml / do not display paginator when count < pagination size |
7485 | modified | julien@jboss.com | //trunk/core/src/resources/portal-core-sar/conf/data/default-object.xml | configure error handling of dashboard by default |
7481 | modified | thomas.heute@jboss.com | //trunk/build/build-thirdparty.xml | Rollback so that it works in 4.0 (but won't in 4.2) |