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Ant Error Message: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jbpm.3.xml:66: Exit code: 1 See build.log in Build Artifacts for details.
Date of build: 06/19/2007 07:11:50
Time to build: 1 minute 36 seconds
Last changed: 06/19/2007 07:04:45
Last log entry: revision of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 47)
1.21modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.4modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.6modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.2deletedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.2deletedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration for action element containers: GPD-95
1.13modifiedaguizarbpel/examples/common/bpel-build.xmlMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.17modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/integration/server/SoapHandler.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.7modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/AllPojoTests.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.8modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/wsdl/xml/PropertyAliasTest.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.7deletedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/xml/ReaderTests.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.1addedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/xml/XmlTests.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.11modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/xml/util/XmlUtilTest.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.15modifiedaguizarbpel/library/build.xmlMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.10modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/integration/client/SoapClient.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.10modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/par/DefDescriptorArchiveParser.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.4deletedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/graph/exe/ActivityExeTests.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.1addedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/graph/exe/GraphExeTests.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.18modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/integration/server/SoapHandlerTest.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.2modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpel/par/DefDescriptorArchiveParserTest.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.3modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/graph/def/ImportDefinition.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.3modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/integration/soap/FaultFormat.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.5modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/integration/soap/SoapFormatter.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.1addedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/integration/soap/SoapUtil.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.10modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/wsdl/xml/PropertyAliasSerializer.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.13modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/xml/AssignReader.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.27modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/xml/BpelReader.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.7modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/xml/ProcessWsdlLocator.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.13modifiedaguizarbpel/library/src/main/java/org/jbpm/bpel/xml/util/XmlUtil.javaMoved SOAP code out of XmlUtil and into SoapUtil.Removed XPath code being used by ProcessWsdlLocator only. Replaced with direct lookups on the definitions element.
1.20modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.6modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the action configuration forms: GPD-94
1.19modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the delegation configuration form : GPD-93restructuring the action element configuration (start)
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the delegation configuration form : GPD-93restructuring the action element configuration (start)
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the delegation configuration form : GPD-93restructuring the action element configuration (start)
1.5modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the delegation configuration form : GPD-93restructuring the action element configuration (start)
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ of the delegation configuration form : GPD-93restructuring the action element configuration (start)
1.15modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/jar/build.xmlset showoutput to true for unit test execution to get the logs in the integration build
1.4modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/jar/src/main/java/org/jbpm/graph/action/Script.javachanged catch from EvalError to Exception to avoid hard dependency