Ant Error Message: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:253: The following error occurred while executing this line: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-common-targets.xml:26: Build Successful - Tests completed with errors or failures. |
Date of build: 08/31/2006 03:44:16 |
Time to build: 39 minutes 25 seconds |
Last changed: 08/29/2006 19:31:18 |
Last log entry: JBAS-3585, on shutdown avoid undeploying twice unpacked nested modules |
Unit Tests: (2920) Total Errors and Failures: (2) | ||||
| ||||
Modifications since last build: (first 50 of 33) | ||||
56422 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_3_2/system/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/MainDeployer.java | JBAS-3585, on shutdown avoid undeploying twice unpacked nested modules |
56335 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_3_2/system/src/bin/run.sh | JBAS-3458, conditionally set the -server flag, if supported |
56330 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_3_2/system/src/bin/run.bat | JBAS-3458, conditionally set the -server flag, if supported |
56273 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_3_2/system/src/bin/run.bat | JBAS-3458, conditionally set the -server flag, if supported |
56197 | added | bstansberry@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/testbeancluster/test/PackagedSessionImplUnitTestCase.java | [JBAS-3545] Ensure modification timestamp is correct for replicated sessions |
56196 | modified | bstansberry@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/cluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/hasessionstate/server/PackagedSessionImpl.java | [JBAS-3545] Ensure modification timestamp is correct for replicated sessions |
56189 | modified | anil.saldhana@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/system/src/main/org/jboss/system/ServiceContext.java | JBAS-3558: Service should be transient |
56175 | modified | darran.lofthouse@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/hibernate-int/.project | JBAS-3547 - List the ENC for all deployed web applications. Also merged a couple of depedent changes from Branch_4_0. |
56175 | modified | darran.lofthouse@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/web/AbstractWebDeployerMBean.java | JBAS-3547 - List the ENC for all deployed web applications. Also merged a couple of depedent changes from Branch_4_0. |
56175 | modified | darran.lofthouse@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/naming/JNDIView.java | JBAS-3547 - List the ENC for all deployed web applications. Also merged a couple of depedent changes from Branch_4_0. |
56175 | modified | darran.lofthouse@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/system/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/DeploymentInfo.java | JBAS-3547 - List the ENC for all deployed web applications. Also merged a couple of depedent changes from Branch_4_0. |
56167 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/EJBQLToSQL92Compiler.java | JBAS-3541 |
56167 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/QueryParameter.java | JBAS-3541 |
56167 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/JDBCEJBQLCompiler.java | JBAS-3541 |
56166 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/imports/sections/cmp.xml | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/cmp2/jbas3541/ALocalHome.java | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/cmp2/jbas3541/ABean.java | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/cmp2/jbas3541/IntJDBCAdaptor.java | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/cmp2/jbas3541/JBAS3541UnitTestCase.java | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/resources/cmp2/jbas3541/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/cmp2/jbas3541/ALocal.java | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/resources/cmp2/jbas3541/META-INF/jboss.xml | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/resources/cmp2/jbas3541/META-INF/jbosscmp-jdbc.xml | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/cmp2/jbas3541 | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/resources/cmp2/jbas3541 | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56166 | added | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/resources/cmp2/jbas3541/META-INF | JBAS-3541 testcase |
56153 | modified | bstansberry@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-sso-cluster/conf/login-config.xml | Add entity bean dependencies to SSO configs |
56151 | modified | bstansberry@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-sso/conf/login-config.xml | Add entity bean dependencies to SSO configs |
56149 | modified | bstansberry@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/build.xml | Add entity bean dependencies to SSO configs |
56102 | modified | darran.lofthouse@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/EntitySynchronizationInterceptor.java | JBAS-3331 - Merged changes for JBAS-2745 from Branch_4_0 |
55930 | modified | bstansberry@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_3_2/cluster/src/main/org/jboss/invocation/jrmp/interfaces/JRMPInvokerProxyHA.java | [JBAS-3518] Don't failover if there is an UnmarshalException |
55374 | modified | rrajesh | //branches/Branch_3_2/testsuite/build.xml | Added 4.0.4.GA to the compatibility matrix |
55223 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_3_2/system/src/bin/run.conf | JBAS-3458, remove -server from JAVA_OPTS, not supported by IBM jvm |