Ant Error Message: /qa/services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:272: The following error occurred while executing this line: /qa/services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-common-targets.xml:26: Build Successful - Tests completed with errors or failures. |
Date of build: 06/10/2007 04:37:21 |
Time to build: 167 minutes 5 seconds |
Last changed: 06/08/2007 19:34:32 |
Last log entry: Temporarely revert Hibernate to 3.2.3 to wait for jbpm/jpdl to add a compatible line for the new version |
Unit Tests: (4085) Total Errors and Failures: (1) | |||
| |||
Modifications since last build: (first 50 of 258) | ||||
63438 | modified | fnasser@redhat.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/build/build-thirdparty.xml | Temporarely revert Hibernate to 3.2.3 to wait for jbpm/jpdl to add a compatible line for the new version |
63436 | modified | fnasser@redhat.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/build/build-thirdparty.xml | Use newer Hibernate 3.2.4.SP1_CP01 that improves performance and fixes some database issues |
63428 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/testsuite/local.properties | JBAS-4477, rollback, revert to javac.source / javac.target set to 1.5 |
63427 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/j2ee/build.xml | JBAS-4477, rollback, revert to javac.source / javac.target set to 1.5 |
63426 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/tools/etc/buildmagic/task.properties | JBAS-4477, rollback, revert to javac.source / javac.target set to 1.5 |
63423 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/testsuite/local.properties | JBAS-4477, compile the testsuite with javac.source / javac.target set to 1.5 |
63419 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/j2ee/build.xml | JBAS-4477, jboss-j2ee.jar unfortunately contains javax.ejb.SessionContext that was modified to include a method that uses generics. |
63418 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/tools/etc/buildmagic/task.properties | JBAS-4477, default javac.source / javac.target to 1.4 |
63409 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/resources/test/mdb/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63409 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/resources/test/mdb/META-INF/jboss.xml | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63408 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/mdb/QueueTestMDB.java | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63408 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/mdb/AbstractQueueTestInterface.java | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63408 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/mdb/AbstractQueueTestMDB.java | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63408 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/MessageDrivenImpl.java | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63408 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/mdb/unit/MetricsUnitTestCase.java | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63408 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/mdb/QueueTestInterface.java | [EJBTHREE-990] fix and test for merging messageListenerInterface from annotation and descriptor |
63398 | modified | stan.silvert@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/build/build-thirdparty.xml | JBAS-4454 |
63396 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/fastdeployment | [EJBTHREE-809] tutorial for DeployEjb3ExtensionOnly |
63396 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/fastdeployment/META-INF | [EJBTHREE-809] tutorial for DeployEjb3ExtensionOnly |
63396 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/fastdeployment/fastdeployment.wiki | [EJBTHREE-809] tutorial for DeployEjb3ExtensionOnly |
63396 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/fastdeployment/fastdeployment.html | [EJBTHREE-809] tutorial for DeployEjb3ExtensionOnly |
63396 | added | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/fastdeployment/META-INF/jboss-service.xml | [EJBTHREE-809] tutorial for DeployEjb3ExtensionOnly |
63395 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/deployer/unit/DeployerUnitTestCase.java | [EJBTHREE-877] added test for .ejb3 |
63387 | modified | fnasser@redhat.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/build/build-thirdparty.xml | Use latest patched version of JacORB |
63377 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/iiop/src/main/org/jboss/iiop/rmi/ContainerAnalysis.java | JBAS-4473, java to IDL mapping erroneously treats a 'get' method as an attribute |
63376 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/main/org/jboss/ejb3/entity/PersistenceUnitInfoImpl.java | [EJBTHREE-982] implemented getNewTempClassLoader() |
63375 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/mdb_deployment_descriptor/mdb.wiki | [EJBTHREE-809] updated MDB documentation |
63375 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/mdb_deployment_descriptor/mdb.html | [EJBTHREE-809] updated MDB documentation |
63375 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/mdb/mdb.wiki | [EJBTHREE-809] updated MDB documentation |
63375 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/docs/tutorial/mdb/mdb.html | [EJBTHREE-809] updated MDB documentation |
63374 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/testsuite/build.xml | JBAS-4271, exclude test org/jboss/test/pooled/test/SSLSocketsUnitTestCase that intermittently fails |
63369 | modified | dbhole | //branches/Branch_4_2/messaging/src/etc/server/examples/deploy/mssql-jdbc2-service.xml | Remove unnecessary characters at the beginning of the files. JBPAPP-114. |
63369 | modified | dbhole | //branches/Branch_4_2/messaging/src/etc/server/examples/deploy/standalone/build.xml | Remove unnecessary characters at the beginning of the files. JBPAPP-114. |
63362 | modified | adrian@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/messaging/src/etc/server/default/deploy/hsqldb-jdbc-state-service.xml | JBAS-4465 - Explain that hsqldb-jdbc-state-service.xml is generic |
63355 | modified | rrajesh | //branches/Branch_4_2/server/src/etc/conf/default/standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml | JBAS-4462 Added function-mapping mod to % for MS SQLServer |
63350 | modified | scott.stark@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/connector/src/main/org/jboss/resource/adapter/jms/JmsSession.java | JBCTS-588, throw InvalidDestinationException if the wrong session type is accessed.Don't cast the session to a TopicSession in createDurableSubscriber(Topic, String). |
63348 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/EJBQLToSQL92Compiler.java | JBAS-4463 |
63348 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/ejbql/BasicVisitor.java | JBAS-4463 |
63348 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/SQLUtil.java | JBAS-4463 |
63343 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/metadata/JDBCTypeMappingMetaData.java | JBAS-4462 |
63343 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/EJBQLToSQL92Compiler.java | JBAS-4462 |
63343 | modified | alex.loubyansky@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/server/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/JDBCEJBQLCompiler.java | JBAS-4462 |
63341 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/testsuite/build.xml | exclude org/jboss/test/webservice/jbws309/** |
63339 | modified | scott.stark@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/testsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/naming/test/ImplUnitTestCase.java | JBAS-4461, handle bind/rebind of a null value |
63339 | modified | scott.stark@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/naming/src/main/org/jnp/interfaces/NamingContext.java | JBAS-4461, handle bind/rebind of a null value |
63336 | modified | bdecoste | //branches/Branch_4_2/ejb3/src/test/org/jboss/ejb3/test/pkg/unit/EntityUnitTestCase.java | [EJBTHREE-981] set system properties in unit test |
63329 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/varia/src/resources/services/binding/sample-bindings.xml | another small correction |
63328 | modified | dimitris@jboss.org | //branches/Branch_4_2/varia/src/resources/services/binding/sample-bindings.xml | Unable to parse comment. It contains illegal data. |
63313 | modified | thomas.diesler@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/testsuite/build.xml | Exclude webservice/jbws309 |
63311 | modified | thomas.diesler@jboss.com | //branches/Branch_4_2/testsuite/src/resources/webservice/admindevel/META-INF/jboss.xml | Use explicit context-root |