Ales Justin wrote:
Would it be possible to have "trace" logging that would show classes that are scanned and whether annotations were found?  I enabled trace for "AnnotationEnvironmentDeployer" but didn't see enough information.

This is already there:

package org.jboss.deployers.plugins.annotations;

public class DefaultAnnotationEnvironment extends WeakClassLoaderHolder implements AnnotationEnvironment, Serializable

   void putAnnotation(Annotation annotation, ElementType type, String className, Signature signature)
      Class<? extends Annotation> annClass = annotation.annotationType();

      if (log.isTraceEnabled())
         log.trace("Adding annotation @" + annClass.getSimpleName() + " for " + className + " at type " + type + ", signature: " + signature);

If trace is enabled, could we also show the classes that have no annotations?  Perhaps in GenericAnnotationResourceVisitor.visit()?  This will help me understand what should be in the list of includes and excludes (to help build the jboss-scanning.xml).