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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.15
Date of build: 11/01/2006 20:46:59
Time to build: 13 minutes 12 seconds
Last changed: 11/01/2006 17:15:12
Last log entry: - get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 59)
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/build/ide/intellij/idea50/modules/thirdparty/thirdparty.iml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/resources/portal-test-sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/etc/opends/config/config.ldif- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/framework/embedded/opends/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/tools/etc/buildfragments/buildmagic.ent- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/build/ide/intellij/idea50/modules/test/test.iml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/etc/ldap/ldif/example1.ldif- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/build.xml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/identity/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/identity/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/build/build-thirdparty.xml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/testsuite/build.xml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/identity/build.xml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/identity/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/framework/embedded/apacheds/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/framework/embedded/opends/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/main/org/jboss/portal/test/framework/embedded/opends/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/build/ide/intellij/idea50/modules/identity/identity.iml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/test/src/etc/directories.xml- get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully....
5554modifiedbdaw//trunk/identity/src/main/org/jboss/portal/identity2/ldap/ get rid of ApacheDS- reintroduce OpenDS and make portal code compile with jdk1.4 anyway (by jdk recognition in ant)- put OpenDS running as mbean on AS during tests instead of run/stop per test- and didn't break testsuite hopefully.... - stylize submenus in cmsadmin uiJBPORTAL-1017 - stylize submenus in tabs - stylize submenus in cmsadmin uiJBPORTAL-1017 - stylize submenus in tabs - localization in cmsadmin ui - localization in cmsadmin ui - localization in cmsadmin ui - localization in cmsadmin ui - localization in cmsadmin ui - localization in cmsadmin ui - localization in cmsadmin ui -> testName for more coherence -> testName for more coherence -> testName for more coherence -> testName for more coherence -> testName for more coherence -> testName for more coherence -> testName for more coherence - cmsadmin ui changes - cmsadmin ui changes - cmsadmin ui changes an error if an action should not be processed in tests of portlet an error if an action should not be processed in tests of portlet to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists to expose marshalling methods for portlet tests, rather make the methode return a DriverResponse and have the enclosing class properly marshall the response when it exists