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Ant Error Message: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-seam-testsuite.xml:39: The following error occurred while executing this line: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-common-targets.xml:86: Exit code: 1 See compile.log in Build Artifacts for details.
Date of build: 06/24/2007 00:51:28
Time to build: 1 minute 32 seconds
Last changed: 06/23/2007 22:31:46
Last log entry: not required

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 106)
1.12deletedsbryzak2src/main/org/jboss/seam/interceptors/WebServiceInterceptor.javanot required
1.11modifiedsbryzak2src/main/org/jboss/seam/interceptors/WebServiceInterceptor.javafix references
1.8deletedsbryzak2src/main/org/jboss/seam/ws/SeamWSRequestHandler.javaremoved ws package
1.3deletedsbryzak2src/main/org/jboss/seam/ws/package-info.javaremoved ws package
1.1addedsbryzak2lib/jboss-saaj.jarsoap lib
1.1addedpmuirhibernate/lib/jboss-common.jarJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.6deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/css/date.cssJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.4deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/css/screen.cssJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/css/trailblazer_main.cssJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.7deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/book.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.3deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/confirm.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.3deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/conversations.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.6deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/home.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.3deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/hotel.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/index.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.3deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/main.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.5deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/password.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.4deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/register.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.7deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/template.xhtmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/exp/bookingExp.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/exp/confirmExp.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/exp/introExp.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/exp/loginExp.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/exp/mainExp.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/exp/registerExp.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/exp/workspaceExp.htmlJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/bg.gifJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/cal-next.pngJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/cal-prev.pngJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/dtpick.gifJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/hdr.title.gifJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/header_line.gifJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/spinner.gifJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.2deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/view/img/ - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)
1.3deletedpmuirexamples/glassfish/src/org/jboss/seam/example/booking/User.javaJBSEAM-1449 - rename glassfish to jee5 and add support for OC4J (thanks to Richard Hoffman for this!)