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Ant Error Message: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jbpm.3.xml:46: Exit code: 1 See install_jbpm_ant.log in Build Artifacts for details.
Date of build: 10/31/2006 17:58:34
Time to build: 48 seconds
Last changed: 10/31/2006 16:11:09
Last log entry: Fix packaging a bit

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 136)
1.5modifiedtbaeyensenterprise/.classpathremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.6modifiedtbaeyensenterprise/cmdlistener/build.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.2modifiedtbaeyensenterprise/cmdlistener/manifest/MANIFEST.MFremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.5modifiedtbaeyensenterprise/cmdservice/build.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.2modifiedtbaeyensenterprise/cmdservice/manifest/MANIFEST.MFremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.6modifiedtbaeyensenterprise/ear/build.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.4modifiedtbaeyensenterprise/ear/src/main/resources/META-INF/application.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.4modifiedtbaeyensidentity/.classpathremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.2modifiedtbaeyensidentity/src/test/resources/log4j.propertiesremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.4modifiedtbaeyensjboss/configuration/4.0.4.GA/build.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.5modifiedtbaeyensjboss/sar/build.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.4modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/.classpathremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.10modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/dist/build.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.3modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/examples/ ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.2deletedtbaeyensjpdl/jar/src/main/config/ehcache.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.3modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/jar/src/test/resources/log4j.propertiesremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.2modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/userguide/de/modules/deployment.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.3modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/userguide/en/modules/deployment.xmlremoving ehcache and setup of serverside testing
1.8modifiedtbaeyensjpdl/jar/src/main/java/org/jbpm/job/executor/JobExecutorThread.javapojo job executor testing
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.4modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedjdelongjpdl/examples/ruleFlow/src/main/java/com/pajb/ire/engine/AgendaGroupActionHandler.javaremoved some commented code
1.1addedjdelongjpdl/examples/ruleFlow/readme.htmlreadme for ruleFlow example
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.4modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.1addedjdelongjpdl/examples/rulesAssignmentHandler/readme.htmlreadme for RuleAssignmentHandler example
1.2modifiedjdelongjpdl/examples/customTaskInstance/readme.htmlmodified readme to specify full path of files
1.1addedjdelongjpdl/examples/rulesActionHandler/readme.htmlrulesActionHandler example readme
1.1addedjdelongjpdl/examples/customTaskInstance/readme.htmlreadme for customTaskInstance example
1.5modifieddlloydjpdl/jar/src/main/java/org/jbpm/JbpmContext.javaMassive overhaul to web console.* Add ajax4jsf support* Add new <jbpm:bind> tag to bind a servlet request parameter to a bean property* Add get request expression mechanism, for constructing URLs that contain EL expressions* Implement custom action listener for allowing outcomes to redirect to URLs with get parameters* Add <jbpm:link> component for constructing plain hyperlinks with get and hash parameters* Add <jbpm:outcome> component for specifying navigation information alongside ActionSource components* Add <jbpm:param> tag to provide parameter information to <jbpm:link> and <jbpm:outcome>* Add some debug logs to various places* Modify task bean to be able to accept the task instance ID as a get parameter* Add a generic, pagable search mechanism* Implement a few basic searches* Fix an NPE in TaskForms* Add <jbpm:base> tag to render the html <base> tag, with the current servlet context root* Use a Library class instead of listing all tags out in the taglib file* Create a TLD file for jbpm tags, to allow IDEs to properly hightlight syntax and do tab-completion of jbpm tags* Major CSS overhaul* New background images* Use divs for page layout instead of complex table configuration
1.2modifiedjdelongjpdl/examples/readme.htmladded new examples to readme
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.1addedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.3modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics
1.2modifiedkaersdesigner/jpdl/ the model to the graphics