I think that's good enough for the beta.
Here are the EE 6 requirements as outlined by the latest EE6 PFD
(I've bolded what we need to work on still - AFAIK). I guess we should
open JIRAs for that.
The Bean Validation specification defines a metadata model and
API for JavaBean
validation. The default metadata source is annotations, with the
ability to override
and extend the metadata through the use of XML validation
The Java EE platform requires that web containers make an
instance of
ValidatorFactory available to JSF implementations by storing it
in a servlet
context attribute named
The Java EE platform also requires that an instance of
ValidatorFactory be
made available to JPA providers as a property in the map that is
passed as the
second argument to the
createContainerEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceUnitInfo, Map)
method of
the PersistenceProvider interface, under the name
Applications that need to use those interfaces can find
appropriate objects by
looking up the name java:comp/Validator for Validator and
ValidatorFactory for ValidatorFactory, or by requesting
the injection of an
object of the appropriate type via the @Resource annotation.
A Validator or ValidatorFactory object reference may also be
declared in a
deployment descriptor in the same way as a resource environment
In order to customize the returned ValidatorFactory, an ejb, web
application client module may specify a Bean Validation XML
descriptor. The name of the descriptor is
WEB-INF/validation.xml for web
modules, META-INF/validation.xml for all other types of
A validation deployment descriptor only affects
ValidatorFactory instances
in that module.
There is no per-application validation deployment descriptor.
that's not implemented right? If someone can set up this
per module separation, I can write the validation.xml parser in
jboss-metadata and build the appropriate VF in the bv deployer
On 15 sept. 09, at 19:20, Stan Silvert wrote:
I did a snapshot release of the BV deployers and integrated
into Branch_5_x.
Current State of things:
* The BV Factory is created and added to the DeploymentUnit by the BV
* The BV Factory from the DeploymentUnit is added to application scope
for use by JSF. JSF/BV integration is working.
* The BV Factory is bound to global JNDI at
We know the JNDI part is wrong, so there will be changes. But
those of you waiting on this stuff can now make further progress.
Carlo de Wolf wrote:
So these must be setup as LinkRefs by the
container governing
java:comp to some other JNDI name which is
bound by a deployer. Or
maybe we LinkRef to
java:app/ValidatoryFactory depending on it's
scope. But at some point it will link to a
'global' name.
On 09/15/2009 08:48 AM, Ales Justin wrote:
FYI wrt the JNDI names.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [jsr-316-eg] Validator and
validator factory names
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 17:25:58 -0700
From: Roberto Chinnici <Roberto.Chinnici@sun.com>
Reply-To: jsr-316-eg@jcp.org
Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
To: Java Community Process JSR #316
Expert List <JSR-316-EG@jcp.org>
As I was making a few editorial changes
to the platform spec, I ran into
an actual mistake we need to fix for PFD.
Section EE.5.16 uses the following JNDI
names for retrieving a validator
and a validator factory:
This seems wrong, because we typically
reserve java:comp/env for
application-defined names.
All other system-defined ones, like the
ORB or UserTransaction, are
defined under java:comp.
So I'm going to change the names above to
the following ones:
My plan is still to submit the spec for
PFD on Wednesday.
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